Glacier Camping Journal Entries
The Glacier Diaries Flying over the Matanuska Glacier by helicopter to arrive at your private ice climbing base camp is quite the adventure. Now, add glamping and gourmet meals to the mix and you have yourself an overnight glacier camping experience. See what these guests had to say about their trip out to glacier camp….
Dude Perfect tries Ice Climbing
YouTube team Dude Perfect came out to try out Ice Climbing and our Overnight Glacier Adventure We were excited all summer for the Dude Perfect crew to come out and test the ropes on Matanuska Glacier. Their team was first dropped off by Helicopter, flown by Mark at Sheep Mountain Lodge, and received by Brett…
A MICA Guides Intern’s Experience
A MICA Guides Intern’s Experience On June 7, we approached the end of our orientation week as MICA Guides interns. Simultaneously, we were informed that the next three days would be spent backpacking in the Alaskan backcountry. I had been on a few backpacking trips with my family previously. Also, I have spent my whole…